Use Email Marketing to Build a Brand Awareness

How to Use Email Marketing to Build a Brand Awareness

As you might already know, email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies which uses personalized, mass emails to directly interact with clients: provide them with useful insights or encourage them to take a specific action (for instance, make a purchase).

However, today its potential is far more than only improving the conversion rates: it can be used for building credibility, strengthening the relationships between a business and its consumers, and many more. 

In this article, we’ll make a detailed overview of how to employ email marketing for building your brand awareness – an essential element that turns your business from a set of transactions to what people fall in love with: the image of your company, that identifies and differentiates its products from others.

So, how can email marketing boost brand awareness among the audiences? Let’s find this out!

Why Does Email Marketing Matter for Brands?

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective, consumer-targeted strategies used by nearly any brand in any industry today. It enables reaching the customers in the place they visit nearly every day – their inbox. So, when a customer types the personal email address in a newsletter subscription box, he or she shows a desire to engage with a brand, which is one of the most valuable interaction options the brands should be focused on!

The email newsletter branding offers the precious chance to reach loyal customers regularly and directly, so companies should never overlook it for building their strong brand awareness strategy.

Email Marketing Campaign That Boosts Your Brand: 4 Best Practices

So, now that we know a powerful branded email campaign is one of the core elements every company needs at the start of their business. But how to make your emails to build your brand?

1. Use the Consistent Design

This trick allows your subscribers to know who you are right off the bat, yet contributes to easier navigation and interaction with the email content. Use similar formatting styles and filters for your images and videos, you can even use the stock photos that refer to the single model of your visual.

Or else, some brands can even build email templates to create a unique design for their newsletters that customers can easily recognize at a glance. 

2. Incorporate Unique Content

Another essential aspect to consider is the content you’re going to deliver. Instead of standard text newsletters with a trivial CTA at the bottom – make use of the images and videos that cover the email subject. Creating a professional-like personalized video that engages your clients from the first seconds is really simple with the use of online video editing software. And, embedding video content in emails is now easier than ever with the large number of services that offer changing video format.

3. Make a Catching Layout

Visual is one of the most essential features of any content today, and emails are not an exception. So, whether you’ve decided to use the design templates offered by an email marketing service or create your own from scratch – it should look unique and attractive at the same time. Single-column, zig-zag, or inverted pyramid – any of these layout styles can help to improve your brand awareness if used consistently.

4. Mind the Text & Its Design

When it comes to building a catching copy for your email newsletter, everything, from the copy to the colors to fonts matters. To make the emails from your brand easier to recognize, try to maintain each email at a single design, that fully represents your brand and seamlessly continues the story introduced there. Also, keep in mind that the words you use should always be passed through your branding guide for a better engagement and, finally, to entice a click.

Wrapping Up

To conclude, email marketing is one of the easiest and most effective tools to enhance brand awareness, which shouldn’t be overlooked. With these simple email tips used, you can launch a powerful marketing campaign that will surely keep your customers encouraged to come back for repeat visits and, of course, repeat conversions!

Still uncertain about its efficiency? Check it yourself and get fascinating results from the first days of your campaign!