RescueTime Alternative for MAC: Try Timing Application

If you are searching for RescueTime Alternative for Mac, take a look at Timing as it also uses automatic time-tracking. This approach implies the analysis of apps you are using and automatic distribution of time by projects or by activities. Naturally, this distribution occurs according to the rules you set.

As compared with other time-tracking apps this approach is best for those who are working on multiple projects at the same time and for some reason don’t want to bother starting and stopping the timer.

Timing has been created for Mac only and its functionality is a good RescueTime alternative. However, there are some differences between them, which we have put in the following table:
[table colwidth=”50%|50%”]
Timing,RescueTime logo RescueTime
Only for Mac\, but collects info about pages from Chrome and Safari,Apps available for WindowsMacLinuxAndroid~~and plugins for FirefoxChrome
Fully autonomous app\, no web-interface and nothing can be sent to server~~

timing app main window - rescuetime alternative, Dashboard available via site only\, info about apps being used is sent to servers by agents\, installed on computer~~rescuetime dashboard
Distributes time by projects\, good for freelancers working on multiple projects at once~~

timing app rules,Distributes time by level of productivity and activity categories\, good to assess personal productivity~~

rescuetime categories

No special built-in reports\, but can upload activity data into CSV or JSON files grouped by projects and apps~~

timing app report export,Various charts are available on website\, they reflect your productivity\, but there is no option to upload your time info into an external file~~rescuetime charts

No integration with third party services\, although gets info from various third party apps for detailed working time classification, Works with Beeminder\, Zapier\, GitHub\, but no time classification by edited documents

Does not support goals and notification, Allows setting productivity goals\, monitor them and get notified about inefficient time spending

The price is $25\, which is a one-time payment\, no monthly fees.~~timing app pricing,Free subscription available or $9 per month with a 14-day trial period~~

rescuetime pricing


1 thought on “RescueTime Alternative for MAC: Try Timing Application”

  1. There’s one more alternative now, Qbserve:

    It recognizes productivity of many sites and apps and has an ability to differentiate between chats in Skype, Slack, and Telegram.

    Qbserve also gives instant feedback on productivity with dynamically colored dock and menu bar icons. At the same time, all the tracked information is stored privately on your machine.

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