
kayako review logo

Is Kayako worth the money?

Kayako is one of the most popular HelpDesk systems in the world and is widely recognized by large companies. In this review we will explore what makes Kayako so different from its competitors.

What is helpdesk

What is a HelpDesk

HelpDesk is an automated ticket management system that is based on the so-called ticket system and oriented towards customer support operations.

Freshdesk Review

HelpDesk, developed by Freshdesk, a company from India, is one of the top-rated services according to multiple ratings. Read this review to find out how they have become so popular and what’s so special about Freshdesk.

Desk Review

In continuation of the series of HelpDesk systems reviews, today my choice fell on Desk by SaleForces.

Zendesk review

Zendesk company, being one of the leaders on the global market of HelpDesk systems, offers a powerful and flexible client support solution. But how does it look from inside?